“Kalo” What is the secret of a witch of Rajasthan?

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Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 02:51 pm

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“Kalo” What is the secret of a witch of Rajasthan? There is still the horror of a witch named Kalo in Kulbhata village in Rajasthani. The witch is said to have spread terror inside Kulbhata village in the 18th century and killed young girls of this village and sacrificed them to become immortal. Due to the terror of the black witch, the villagers refused to let their young girls out of the house, but still the villagers were very much disturbed by this witch.

All roads leading to Kulbhata village have been closed but locals say that some people tried to enter the village.

But they were all killed. Some experts believe that a gang acts illegally in this village by resorting to the horror stories of this village. People who have disappeared from the surrounding village join this gang. It is this gang that has made these ghost stories so prevalent so that no one comes to this village. Kalo has also become a Bollywood movie on Witch’s name called Kalo and was released here in 2010.
The villagers enlisted the help of a tantric to escape the black witch and captured and buried the witch by killing them in the sandy desert, but the real trouble started after the death of the black, the black came back to the village even after death and this time she Had become even more dangerous.

Which no one could kill him and he started taking revenge on the villagers. Fearing this witch, the villagers had evacuated Kulbhata village in a single day. Today it has been more than 250 years but Kulbhata village is still one of the scary places of India. It is said that Kalo still wanders in this deserted and ruined Kulbhata village and whoever goes to this village does not return.

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